Dog Treaty Extras?
Do you know what's in your dog's treats? You won't believe it until you see it!

Is your Beloved Pet Eating FeFe, Mr. Ed or Felix the Cat?
Most pet parents only want the best for their pets. And when something happens unexpectedly we wonder: Could it have been prevented?

Dog Treaty “Extras”
by Dinky

stuff in Dinky and Skippy's treatsWithout going into too much detail there was a treat that Skippy and I really liked. I don’t know if it was something that my mom recently discovered or, if it’s been in my treats all along. But, my mom began to notice these “things” in my favorite treaties.

At first she just brushed it off and didn’t think too much about it. She thought it was a fluke. But, the following week we ran out of our treats, and she bought us some more.

I remember the look on her face as if it was yesterday. She opened the box, took one treat out (which I thought she was going to give to me) and looked very closely at it with a magnifying glass. When she was finished she didn’t look too happy. What I watched my mom do next kind of surprised me and I thought she was going to eat them all herself. She dumped all my treats on the counter which is too high for me and Skippy to reach and, after each “treaty” that passed her “examination” was placed in a different container. I also saw her grab a big piece of tape and what ever she was pulling out of my treats was carefully placed on the tape.

“What on earth is THIS stuff?” she would say placing the thing on the tape. Then suddenly and loudly I heard her say out “Ah HA! It’s some type of unidentified animal hair! YUCK!” (See the picture)

My mom was also surprised to discover that the company that manufactures our favorite treats also manufactures human food too! Which got me and my brother Skippy thinking: If a company – that large – manufactures human food, wouldn’t it make sense that what they’re feeding us would be held to the same human food preperation standards? I guess not! My mom is also wondering if there’s stuff in her food too!

So now my mom only gives us Life’s Abundance food, treats and supplements cuz she sez she knows exactly what we’re eating and she promises to never feed those treats to us again.

Well, that’s about all for now cuz it’s time for our walk!

To see a larger picture click here! Oh by the way, there were way more unidentified animal hair but, my mom said that was enough. She still has that piece of tape so if anyone wants to see it in person they can.

Click for Treats Info!

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