Dog Treaty Extras?
Do you know what's in your dog's treats? You won't believe it until you see it!

Is your Beloved Pet Eating FeFe, Mr. Ed or Felix the Cat?
Most pet parents only want the best for their pets. And when something happens unexpectedly we wonder: Could it have been prevented?

Fish Oil by Life's Abundance - Sea Logix

Fish oil has shown numerous positive benefits in helping not only humans but equally beneficial to dogs and cats with health issues and for disease prevention. The most commonly used nutritional supplement that not only keeps us humans healthy but, your dogs and cats healthy too are Omega 3 fatty acids. Medical Doctors and Veterinarians have been recommending the use of omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil to treat allergies but now, are recommending it for conditions ranging from kidney disease to arthritis and high cholesterol. Adding fish oil to not only your daily supplement intake but, to your pet's food provides anti-inflammatory effects - seen frequently in our senior dogs and cats - which helps elevate or reduce some of the uncomfortable and often painful symptoms of arthritis. It can also help relieve allergy related skin conditions such as itching and scratching.

Omega 3 oils also supports good heart, vision and joint health, in addition to providing the important nutrients needed for proper immune system function, and nourishes the skin and coat. First suggested for use in treating allergies in pets, Omega 3 oils (fish oil supplements) are now encouraged in cases of kidney disease, elevated cholesterol, and arthritis too! For humans and pets - our Veterinarians and Physicians are discovering that fatty acids can be a valuable aid for a variety of conditions.

One important factor to keep in mind when purchasing Omega 3 oils fish oil is: All Omega 3 oils fish oil is NOT created equally. When purchasing fish oil it is detrimental that it has been tested by IFOS which stands for: the International Fish Oil Standards organization. Taking fish oil that is not tested by IFOS could cause more harm than good and here's the reason why: If the fish oil has not been purified you will be actually ingesting harmful containments - such as mercury, PCB’s and DDT.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are either an oily liquid or solid and are colorless to light yellow in color. They have no known smell or taste. There are no known natural sources of PCBs. Some commercial PCB mixtures are known in the United States by their industrial trade name Aroclor.

PCB’s was a good insulating material, and was widely used as coolants and lubricants in transformers, capacitors, and other electrical equipment. Fortunately - for us - the U.S. manufacture of PCBs stopped in 1977 because it causes harmful health effects. Products containing PCBs are old fluorescent lighting fixtures, electrical appliances containing PCB capacitors, old microscope oil, and hydraulic fluids. 

PCBs unfortunately has accumulated in the sediments at the bottoms of streams, rivers, lakes and coastal areas. (By the way, this is where most fish get their food.) Additionally, these chemicals can (depending where the fish was raised) build up in the fatty tissues of fish and other animals, and in high concentrations pose serious health risks to people who frequently eat contaminated fish.

DDT (dichlor-diphenyl-trichlorethylene) was a pesticide used on crops to kill mosquitoes. First synthesized in 1874, DDT’s insecticidal properties were not discovered until 1939, and it was used with great success in the second half of World War II to control malaria and typhus among civilians and troops. People were also under the impression DDT didn’t harm animals or humans, but they were wrong. In 1962, American biologist Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring. You see, bird watchers and scientists found a decrease in nests and got suspicious. The scientists then discovered DDE which is the remaining chemical after DDT breaks down. As soon as it could be scientifically proven that DDT was harmful, it was banned in 1972 then, shortly there after, banned for agricultural use worldwide under the Stockholm Convention. However, limited, controversial use in disease vector control continues.

Without going into too much detail as you can see PBC's, mercury and DDT is located in Cod Liver Oil and in "health food grade" fish oil. PBC's, mercury and DDT,  are all ingredients that are not beneficial to not only our bodies but our pets bodies too! Click the link below to see how your fish oil measures up. Cents to cents, dollar to dollar, nothing comes close nor comparable to Life's Abundance Sealogix fish oil. 

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